Car Dealership


When considering developing a car dealership to help maximise the value of property, there are a couple of key criteria you need to consider. Firstly, Ultimate Planning Solutions town planners can help you determine whether your block of land is a viable option, does it satisfy any space requirements and is it in close proximity of prospective clients. We assist our clients in making the most out of their property and maximizing their business potential by implementing effective land use planning.

Through our extensive dealings with Council, our experience team will work with you to ensure that your property is appropriately zoned and assist in navigating through Council requirements including increased traffic, carparking needs, and considerations of visual amenity and signage. To ensure your car dealership's approval from Council, Ultimate Planning Solutions address all issues specific to your property.

Developing land into a car dealership typically involves considerable town planning efforts in order to obtain the necessary approvals and permits. Careful consideration must be given to the different requirements involved in order to ensure a successful development project, contact us today to discuss your project. 

Developing land into a car dealership typically involves:

  • Specific zoning regulations
  • Car parking requirements
  • Space for other services e.g. Service bays
  • Necessary approvals and permits
What are the Council Requirements relevant to my Application? 
Although each application will be different, common Council requirements to consider when applying for a Car Dealership includes: 

Carparking Requirements

Depending on the location of your property your business will be subject to off street carparking requirements for your customers. Do you know how to calculate the parking requirements for your property based upon the location, use and size of your business? Be sure you are meeting all Council requirements and allow Ultimate Planning Solutions to take the guesswork out of your development application.

Visual Amenity

As car dealerships are usually large with multiple vehicles on display and visual from the street Council will require all details of the outward appearance of structures and signage associated with advertising of car dealerships. Make sure that you have included all the details required by Council by having your development application prepared by Ultimate Planning Solutions.

What is the Process? 

Our 6-step method streamlines the process for your project application. Each step is designed to ensure that your approval is achieved quickly and efficiently.


Free 30-minute Consultation
(Phone or Face to Face)


Preliminary Planning Assessment 


Development Application Preparation


Plan Creation 


Submission to Council


Post Development

Kevin is one of the most helpful people we have had the pleasure of dealing with on the Gold Coast. Very highly recommended! Thanks. - Shaun Kelly

Council Approval Service for a Car Dealership

(07) 56498665